- Pampers diapers box, $19.99 (used $1/1 Target coupon, used a $2/1 man coupon but they didn't scan it!!! GRRR)
- Swiffer wetjet refill, on clearance for $1.88 each x 2
- Clorox bleach, on clearance for $0.84
- Duracell 16 pack "AA" batteries, $10.39 (used a $0.75/1 man coupon but they didn't scan it!!! GRRR - also came with some form about $10 in P&G coupons but I haven't looked at it yet)
- Extra long beach towel, on clearance for $5.48
- Hefty trash bags, on sale for $8.49 (used $1/1 Target coupon)
- Up & Up trash bags, on clearance for $3.98 x 3
- Viva Big roll select a size paper towels, $2.24 x 2 (used $0.50/1 x 2 man coupons)
- Charmin Mega roll toilet paper, $12.74 x 2 (used $0.50/1 x 2 Target coupons, used $1/1 x 2 man coupons but they only scanned one of them!!! GRRR)
- Arm & Hammer cat litter (not shown), on sale for $10.99 (used $2/1 Target coupon but for some reason it only took $1 off!!! GRRR)
- Benefiber, $9.94 (used $2/1 man coupon, used $2/1 Target coupon but again it only took $1 off!!! GRRR)
Total after clearance and coupons: $105.53 (should have been $99.78)
Total saved: $34.65 or a 25% savings (should have been $40.40 or 29%)
As you can see, they really screwed up my coupons!! Because I had the kids with I wasn't able to watch her closely and they were getting wild at the end so I didn't want to go through them with her. Lesson learned for next time - no kids with when I'm using lots of coupons. I don't usually take them when I do big coupon trips but since I was going to be driving right by Target on my way home from an appointment I decided to try.
At first I was really irritated about loosing almost $6 in coupons but then I realized that there have been several times where an error was made in my favor at Target so I just chalked it up to making us even. I went to the Owatonna Target and I really don't care for that store but since I was driving right past it I decided to bring my coupons with. I have just generally had lots of problems at that particular store with using coupons, the employees and they don't mark the children's clearance clothes down as much as the Northfield store does.
They had a lot of household cleaners on clearance. I grabbed the last two Swiffer refills that I could see (they still had bottles for the hardwood only floors). I've never tried their garbage bags but they are supposed to be like the Glad Force Flex ones. Don't know if I'll like them but since I bought three boxes we're gonna use them!! :) I figured at $4 a box that's a good deal.
Times like these when I find unexpected clearance items I wish I had a way to bring all my coupons with. I use a plastic shoe box to store them because I have so many. I wouldn't want to look like a weirdo with my big shoebox of coupons at the store! Haha! I did try the binder method once but it didn't work for me.
Well, as long as I don't have the kids with me on future visits maybe I could take the box with me? It could be a fill-in for Nadia in the cart seat. :)
I hope to do more posts on deal finds since I have sort of took the summer off from doing it. No promises though!
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