I went to the
St. Paul Mother's of Multiples Group sale today. A couple times a year this group has a big used clothing and equipment sale. My sister-in-law always tips me off about the sales (thanks Andrea!) and we went today and found some great stuff! Guess this is my "warm up" for garage sale season. :)
Here are some photos of what I picked up:

A pretty sundress for Nadia for this summer. It's made by Blueber: boulevard and someone gave us a dress by the same company as a baby gift when Nadia was born that was 12 month size. I LOVED that dress, I put her in it all the time last summer. So I must really like this company since I was drawn to this particular dress.

A capri and t-shirt set - very cute!

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this dress. It's so well made and heavy weighted so it's a perfect cold-weather dress. It feels like flannel, so soft. It's by a company called Chubby Moon which I can't find much info about online except it's a Canadian company. It looks handmade, like it's from a home business or something. Very well made. Anyway, I just adore this dress!!!

Cute polka-dot blouse/possible dress! It's an antique blue with brown dots and accents. Very sweet. This is from a company called Good Lad of Philadelphia. Their outfits run an average of $40-$60. I think I paid $1.50 for this top.

Nice Old Navy button up polo for Viggo. I really didn't find much at all for him there. Nothing that really stood out.

Shoes! Thomas slippers for Viggo; sneakers, sandals and the cutest little red dress shoes EVER for Nadia. I don't think they'd ever been worn, the soles were perfect looking (as is the shoe itself).

A pink poodle backpack for Nadia (Viggo got a yellow bear one very similar to this for Christmas so I knew Nadia would want one too) and a bag of cars for Viggo.
Shopping at this kind of sale was lots of fun! So much to look at. The prices tend to be higher than garage sales but cheaper than consignment stores. I spent $22 for everything which averages out to about $2 per item. Not bad considering these are name brand clothes that are in pristine condition.
Now you tell me....is this not the most adorable outfit ever:

I can't wait to get her in it!!! Will definitely have to take a picture.
I love my son to pieces but there's just something about dressing up a little girl!
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